1301 rank

141,674,571 points

32,205 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Legertha    League of Wolves
Angkor 1301 Legertha League of Wolves 141,674,571 32,205
Legertha    🌊Wave Runnersâ„¢
Vingrid 4278 Legertha 🌊Wave Runners™ 24,818,430 17,787
Legertha    hush kings
Brisgard 13617 Legertha hush kings 666,879 504
Legertha    Traditions
Qunrir 12137 Legertha Traditions 336,799 429
Legertha    Saints and Sinners
Mount Killmore 17926 Legertha Saints and Sinners 100,090 130
Legertha    Misfit Mayhem
Xyr 18585 Legertha Misfit Mayhem 50,683 90