3233 rank

31,167,452 points

52,216 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lucilla 1360 the Wise    The Pub
Arvahall 2046 Lucilla 1360 the Wise The Pub 179,414,727 61,449
Lucilla 1360 the Wise    Life is Good
Qunrir 2070 Lucilla 1360 the Wise Life is Good 117,021,508 72,324
Lucilla 1360 the Wise   
Uceria 2378 Lucilla 1360 the Wise 89,000,076 25,464
Lucilla 1360 the Wise    The Iron Born
Angkor 3233 Lucilla 1360 the Wise The Iron Born 31,167,452 52,216
Lucilla 1360 the Wise    PAIN TRAIN FARMERS
Zorskog 4014 Lucilla 1360 the Wise PAIN TRAIN FARMERS 20,797,900 16,432