75 rank

1,789,187,394 points

430,869 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tarquinus 1691 the Red    Revenant
Angkor 75 Tarquinus 1691 the Red Revenant 1,789,187,394 430,869
Tarquinus 1691 the Red    Crossing the Alps
Odhrorvar 1318 Tarquinus 1691 the Red Crossing the Alps 217,264,646 191,462
Tarquinus 1691 the Red    lazy diamonds
Brisgard 5786 Tarquinus 1691 the Red lazy diamonds 18,658,208 6,808
Tarquinus 1691 the Red    PARK'N FARM
Zorskog 4941 Tarquinus 1691 the Red PARK'N FARM 12,014,909 8,005
Tarquinus 1691 the Red    Do Nothing
Greifental 6510 Tarquinus 1691 the Red Do Nothing 9,504,423 4,034
Tarquinus 1691 the Red    Grab a 🥃🥃
Fel Dranghyr 7905 Tarquinus 1691 the Red Grab a 🥃🥃 4,622,409 4,091