15920 rank

52,374 points

246 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BigDick0820    Debaucherous Duelers
Arvahall 21125 BigDick0820 Debaucherous Duelers 89,764 304
BigDick0820    Oaky
Korch 16391 BigDick0820 Oaky 71,772 247
BigDick0820    Men of Letters
Angkor 15920 BigDick0820 Men of Letters 52,374 246
BigDick0820    Starters
Walstrand 15960 BigDick0820 Starters 46,861 210
BigDick0820    Marijuana Cult
Sinerania 17742 BigDick0820 Marijuana Cult 25,042 241