11205 rank

443,763 points

494 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
terablet    The Mystics
Odhrorvar 10988 terablet The Mystics 624,527 487
terablet    Sleeper Cell
Parkog 11183 terablet Sleeper Cell 559,253 502
terablet    The Buddies
Arvahall 15701 terablet The Buddies 547,226 596
terablet    Kights Who Say Ni
Brisgard 14428 terablet Kights Who Say Ni 513,474 600
terablet    Rough Riders
Langendorn 11785 terablet Rough Riders 507,133 628
Vingrid 12076 terablet 445,117 543
terablet    boats n hoes
Angkor 11205 terablet boats n hoes 443,763 494