4763 rank

12,529,527 points

7,692 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maria 1402 the Merciful    Blue Panthers
Noarsil 364 Maria 1402 the Merciful Blue Panthers 853,313,847 174,210
Maria 1402 the Merciful    fragmented discard
East-Nagach 2593 Maria 1402 the Merciful fragmented discard 97,212,867 41,531
Maria 1402 the Merciful    fragmented discard
Greifental 2503 Maria 1402 the Merciful fragmented discard 91,850,574 47,599
Maria 1402 the Merciful    meonly
Rugnir 2702 Maria 1402 the Merciful meonly 67,939,843 36,444
Maria 1402 the Merciful    fragmented discard
Dilmun 676 Maria 1402 the Merciful fragmented discard 60,237,651 23,930
Maria 1402 the Merciful    meonly
Uceria 2933 Maria 1402 the Merciful meonly 59,990,580 41,011
Maria 1402 the Merciful    NOT TODAY!!!
Zorskog 3322 Maria 1402 the Merciful NOT TODAY!!! 31,813,745 42,052
Maria 1402 the Merciful    Bluntskulls
Angkor 4763 Maria 1402 the Merciful Bluntskulls 12,529,527 7,692
Maria 1402 the Merciful    Orange Marmalade
Arvahall 9604 Maria 1402 the Merciful Orange Marmalade 5,433,504 8,003
Maria 1402 the Merciful    fragmented discard
Carthage 4124 Maria 1402 the Merciful fragmented discard 2,681,121 3,870
Maria 1402 the Merciful    Diamond rewards 😎
Birka 7047 Maria 1402 the Merciful Diamond rewards 😎 993,623 1,734
Maria 1402 the Merciful    star screamer
Houndsmoor 12539 Maria 1402 the Merciful star screamer 637,246 1,059
Maria 1402 the Merciful    fragmented discard
Jaims 13779 Maria 1402 the Merciful fragmented discard 225,844 446
Maria 1402 the Merciful    fragmented discard
Tuulech 14671 Maria 1402 the Merciful fragmented discard 82,902 247