6504 rank

4,829,874 points

3,470 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
JPS the wise    Liberate
Dunarsund 2021 JPS the wise Liberate 143,175,006 56,015
JPS the wise    Just for fun.
Tuulech 6208 JPS the wise Just for fun. 7,836,979 5,263
JPS the wise    Safe Haven
Xyr 6771 JPS the wise Safe Haven 7,423,055 5,439
JPS the wise    Brave hearts
Langendorn 7079 JPS the wise Brave hearts 5,835,466 4,813
JPS the wise    DOOM! Inc
Carthage 3213 JPS the wise DOOM! Inc 5,795,569 4,507
JPS the wise    FREEDOM!!!!!
Rugnir 6972 JPS the wise FREEDOM!!!!! 5,505,910 4,937
JPS the wise    Runs with scissors
Angkor 6504 JPS the wise Runs with scissors 4,829,874 3,470
JPS the wise    Hogan's Heroes
Brisgard 9313 JPS the wise Hogan's Heroes 4,255,496 3,518
JPS the wise    Enigma Monument
Zorskog 6978 JPS the wise Enigma Monument 4,081,223 3,939
JPS the wise    Men in Tights
Mount Killmore 13503 JPS the wise Men in Tights 525,954 358
JPS the wise    Passive/Aggressive
Arvahall 15985 JPS the wise Passive/Aggressive 494,369 369
JPS the wise    Not Interested
Jaims 12173 JPS the wise Not Interested 472,857 334