11254 rank

419,100 points

193 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bruu0    The Queens Table
Angkor 11254 Bruu0 The Queens Table 419,100 193
Bruu0    The Dark Tower
Yorkton 12796 Bruu0 The Dark Tower 303,219 349
Bruu0    Diamond Miners
Arvahall 17606 Bruu0 Diamond Miners 298,860 150
Bruu0    The Stoners
Mount Killmore 15738 Bruu0 The Stoners 242,705 118
Bruu0    Great Forge Guild
Walstrand 13125 Bruu0 Great Forge Guild 182,267 119
Bruu0    Excaliber
Tuulech 14267 Bruu0 Excaliber 111,673 86
Bruu0    Farms'R'us
Uceria 15526 Bruu0 Farms'R'us 80,892 90