4109 rank

17,724,932 points

3,569 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Schmoov    Storm Within
Brisgard 4942 Schmoov Storm Within 27,322,018 4,296
Arvahall 5598 Schmoov ARCADIA UNION 27,222,382 4,147
Schmoov    Kingdom of Jerusale
Greifental 4923 Schmoov Kingdom of Jerusale 21,380,537 3,961
Schmoov    Noble Steel
Jaims 4728 Schmoov Noble Steel 21,155,547 3,863
Schmoov    🌹 Red Rose Temple
Angkor 4109 Schmoov 🌹 Red Rose Temple 17,724,932 3,569
Schmoov    ↫Knights of Fortune↬
Carthage 2088 Schmoov ↫Knights of Fortune↬ 14,740,346 3,065
Schmoov    The Aristonians
Parkog 7391 Schmoov The Aristonians 3,943,283 1,391
Schmoov    The Great Knights
Xyr 14925 Schmoov The Great Knights 218,293 271