5843 rank

7,037,272 points

2,438 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bagwan the Inevitable    The Tsu
Odhrorvar 6114 Bagwan the Inevitable The Tsu 8,922,557 2,529
Bagwan the Inevitable    2A Rights
Mount Killmore 7547 Bagwan the Inevitable 2A Rights 7,411,744 2,593
Bagwan the Inevitable    2A Rights
Angkor 5843 Bagwan the Inevitable 2A Rights 7,037,272 2,438
Bagwan the Inevitable    Wolfie's Pride
Greifental 8690 Bagwan the Inevitable Wolfie's Pride 2,844,797 842
Bagwan the Inevitable    Buddies
Xyr 10226 Bagwan the Inevitable Buddies 1,393,802 486