11411 rank

391,180 points

546 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Odhrorvar 6168 methos7 8,472,077 7,134
methos7    skull n crossbones
Fel Dranghyr 8229 methos7 skull n crossbones 3,789,296 6,884
methos7    Los titanes
Vingrid 9910 methos7 Los titanes 1,087,669 2,004
methos7    Rest Here
Brisgard 12663 methos7 Rest Here 971,380 1,806
methos7    sherribby
Xyr 11282 methos7 sherribby 896,273 1,094
methos7    The-A-Team
Angkor 11411 methos7 The-A-Team 391,180 546
methos7    The North
Houndsmoor 15360 methos7 The North 216,520 355
methos7    Margot's Templiers
Walstrand 13082 methos7 Margot's Templiers 178,920 327
methos7    Illuminati 2.0
Dilmun 6000 methos7 Illuminati 2.0 161,615 370