13775 rank

133,855 points

429 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the bergs    CYBERTRON
Noarsil 779 the bergs CYBERTRON 401,079,556 122,915
the bergs    DRAGON OF LEGENDS
Uceria 2100 the bergs DRAGON OF LEGENDS 106,068,535 32,033
the bergs    iGuild
Brisgard 4800 the bergs iGuild 29,326,352 27,227
the bergs   
Cirgard 5666 the bergs 15,637,820 16,624
the bergs    Dragon Born
Houndsmoor 6045 the bergs Dragon Born 13,856,869 10,160
the bergs    VU Basic
Dunarsund 6384 the bergs VU Basic 12,739,588 28,277
the bergs   
Mount Killmore 6685 the bergs 10,705,200 10,881
the bergs   
Sinerania 6427 the bergs 6,972,124 13,119
the bergs   
Walstrand 6249 the bergs 6,851,509 5,660
the bergs   
Vingrid 6645 the bergs 6,803,502 6,842
the bergs    Rogue Phantoms
Arvahall 9309 the bergs Rogue Phantoms 6,138,077 9,064
the bergs    Just flying solo
Yorkton 7476 the bergs Just flying solo 3,894,612 5,108
the bergs    🐻 The Bears 🐻
Langendorn 7881 the bergs 🐻 The Bears 🐻 3,632,357 8,434
the bergs    CYBERTRON
Odhrorvar 7868 the bergs CYBERTRON 3,046,842 5,690
the bergs   
Fel Dranghyr 9908 the bergs 1,581,267 5,570
the bergs    Gilgamesh's Tavern
Jaims 10890 the bergs Gilgamesh's Tavern 827,472 1,868
the bergs   
Birka 8216 the bergs 519,499 1,007
the bergs    Chillin’
Zorskog 11749 the bergs Chillin’ 350,640 1,051
the bergs    Nameless
Angkor 13775 the bergs Nameless 133,855 429