9544 rank

899,996 points

2,538 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Darla the Archer    Helping Hands
Rugnir 1570 Darla the Archer Helping Hands 143,555,189 95,708
Darla the Archer    Insurrection
Qunrir 2770 Darla the Archer Insurrection 62,702,145 129,787
Darla the Archer    NOT TODAY!!!
Zorskog 2222 Darla the Archer NOT TODAY!!! 59,866,240 144,077
Darla the Archer    Friends Of Friends
Jaims 3744 Darla the Archer Friends Of Friends 34,379,026 77,558
Darla the Archer    Diamond Dynasty
Xyr 4845 Darla the Archer Diamond Dynasty 17,413,444 30,547
Darla the Archer    Forged In Friends
Vingrid 7538 Darla the Archer Forged In Friends 3,954,731 6,181
Darla the Archer    Bluntskulls
Angkor 9544 Darla the Archer Bluntskulls 899,996 2,538