11216 rank

427,556 points

511 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Philstep    Aartsy's Guild
Brisgard 13014 Philstep Aartsy's Guild 846,031 732
Qunrir 10814 Philstep 661,864 595
Philstep    MAGA
East-Nagach 12260 Philstep MAGA 660,610 663
Philstep    GNG
Sinerania 10902 Philstep GNG 607,663 558
Philstep    Letholdus
Cirgard 12688 Philstep Letholdus 606,649 560
Philstep    outcast
Dunarsund 13197 Philstep outcast 559,395 531
Philstep    LADYHAWKE1
Walstrand 11065 Philstep LADYHAWKE1 476,637 533
Philstep    south land
Angkor 11216 Philstep south land 427,556 511
Philstep    Knights of Spamalot
Fel Dranghyr 13385 Philstep Knights of Spamalot 352,359 438
Greifental 13611 Philstep 274,617 361
Philstep    Welcome to All
Langendorn 15324 Philstep Welcome to All 93,568 253