13143 rank

181,646 points

739 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alaric 1057 the Fearless    The N7
Yorkton 11446 Alaric 1057 the Fearless The N7 508,930 977
Alaric 1057 the Fearless   
Sinerania 11408 Alaric 1057 the Fearless 458,912 1,476
Alaric 1057 the Fearless    Harrishawk
Zorskog 12741 Alaric 1057 the Fearless Harrishawk 227,788 842
Alaric 1057 the Fearless    Allies United
Angkor 13143 Alaric 1057 the Fearless Allies United 181,646 739
Alaric 1057 the Fearless   
Greifental 16627 Alaric 1057 the Fearless 65,092 288