18913 rank

22,259 points

85 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
astintyme    Yyss
Dunarsund 14457 astintyme Yyss 376,412 497
astintyme    Guilds Are Dumb
East-Nagach 20107 astintyme Guilds Are Dumb 36,150 130
astintyme    RIDERS ON THE STORM
Fel Dranghyr 19960 astintyme RIDERS ON THE STORM 31,475 131
astintyme    Algonquin Roundtable
Tuulech 18263 astintyme Algonquin Roundtable 25,647 52
astintyme    Peace and Quiet
Angkor 18913 astintyme Peace and Quiet 22,259 85