12290 rank

269,260 points

1,377 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maroq    Heroes and Villains
Zorskog 3482 Maroq Heroes and Villains 26,545,065 31,005
Maroq    Just2Play 🎲🎲
Dunarsund 7210 Maroq Just2Play 🎲🎲 8,375,808 10,133
Maroq    The Omen
Uceria 10702 Maroq The Omen 734,482 1,889
Maroq    Schlongs
Angkor 12290 Maroq Schlongs 269,260 1,377
Maroq    The Omen
Carthage 8095 Maroq The Omen 205,592 882