8983 rank

1,157,774 points

997 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
judyw888    Dark Rose
Odhrorvar 5945 judyw888 Dark Rose 9,307,062 5,688
judyw888    Mecca
Jaims 9927 judyw888 Mecca 1,319,162 990
judyw888    Legends of Mirth II
Noarsil 9619 judyw888 Legends of Mirth II 1,204,213 1,017
judyw888    Humble Start
Angkor 8983 judyw888 Humble Start 1,157,774 997
judyw888    Sleepy Hollow 2
East-Nagach 10962 judyw888 Sleepy Hollow 2 1,154,873 1,047
judyw888    Dragons & Phoenixes
Dunarsund 14391 judyw888 Dragons & Phoenixes 362,963 312
judyw888    The_Black_Rose
Brisgard 16018 judyw888 The_Black_Rose 290,089 349
judyw888    farmers++
Cirgard 14928 judyw888 farmers++ 264,215 321