11244 rank

419,418 points

460 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sentorius    The Free Traders
Noarsil 6103 Sentorius The Free Traders 8,937,232 2,470
Birka 8378 Sentorius WORLDWIDE_TRADING 464,288 201
Sentorius    North-of-Iceland
Carthage 6551 Sentorius North-of-Iceland 461,731 311
Sentorius    Dirty Tree
Angkor 11244 Sentorius Dirty Tree 419,418 460
Sentorius    Knights of the Sun
Zorskog 12701 Sentorius Knights of the Sun 240,647 169
Dilmun 6108 Sentorius 134,370 63
Sentorius    excalibar
Mount Killmore 18359 Sentorius excalibar 92,389 191
Vingrid 15600 Sentorius 87,700 154
Sentorius    Not So Serious
Yorkton 16393 Sentorius Not So Serious 70,740 124
Sentorius    Thronnos Rokke Clan
Uceria 17820 Sentorius Thronnos Rokke Clan 29,926 68