13395 rank

161,979 points

271 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
DarthGrast    Fight only to defend
Houndsmoor 9393 DarthGrast Fight only to defend 2,746,721 1,706
DarthGrast    The Golden Hoard
Zorskog 8058 DarthGrast The Golden Hoard 2,082,302 1,505
DarthGrast    Total Chaos
Fel Dranghyr 9814 DarthGrast Total Chaos 1,644,132 1,533
DarthGrast    Kingdom of Unity
Uceria 9134 DarthGrast Kingdom of Unity 1,616,334 1,649
DarthGrast    Guardians of Honor
Angkor 13395 DarthGrast Guardians of Honor 161,979 271