7070 rank

3,498,216 points

1,905 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
johnny56339    Rockaway Beach
Zorskog 6284 johnny56339 Rockaway Beach 5,982,530 2,270
johnny56339    White Wolves
Korch 7358 johnny56339 White Wolves 5,359,823 2,318
johnny56339    The FoEs
Xyr 8120 johnny56339 The FoEs 3,999,629 2,096
johnny56339    Macabre
Angkor 7070 johnny56339 Macabre 3,498,216 1,905
johnny56339    Pirates of the Guild
Mount Killmore 9243 johnny56339 Pirates of the Guild 3,211,391 1,854
johnny56339    Thronnos Rokke Clan
Uceria 8077 johnny56339 Thronnos Rokke Clan 3,054,163 1,957
johnny56339    N.W.O
Dilmun 3043 johnny56339 N.W.O 2,512,613 1,773
johnny56339    Leonidas
Jaims 9021 johnny56339 Leonidas 2,135,779 1,675