14229 rank

117,375 points

41 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
SerenitySedona    Metaphysic StarGate
Fel Dranghyr 11198 SerenitySedona Metaphysic StarGate 865,860 234
SerenitySedona    don't forget
Arvahall 19286 SerenitySedona don't forget 172,980 46
SerenitySedona    Ironic
Uceria 14315 SerenitySedona Ironic 139,752 44
SerenitySedona    DragonWarriors
Angkor 14229 SerenitySedona DragonWarriors 117,375 41
SerenitySedona    moving thru the ages
Cirgard 17070 SerenitySedona moving thru the ages 114,146 34
SerenitySedona    🌹War of the Roses🌹
Qunrir 14912 SerenitySedona 🌹War of the Roses🌹 103,983 35
SerenitySedona    No Name
Dilmun 6672 SerenitySedona No Name 88,533 32
SerenitySedona    The Liberators
Birka 11828 SerenitySedona The Liberators 85,068 44
SerenitySedona    3 fires
Xyr 19611 SerenitySedona 3 fires 39,007 29