4958 rank

10,406,817 points

3,482 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
gurutogod    GuardiansOf Infinity
Angkor 4958 gurutogod GuardiansOf Infinity 10,406,817 3,482
gurutogod    Ziggy Stardust
Carthage 2431 gurutogod Ziggy Stardust 9,597,061 2,354
gurutogod    Knights Who Say Ni!
Dilmun 1900 gurutogod Knights Who Say Ni! 8,692,470 3,125
gurutogod    Quantum confusion
Dunarsund 7316 gurutogod Quantum confusion 7,988,289 3,004
gurutogod    Builders and Traders
Greifental 6945 gurutogod Builders and Traders 7,255,091 2,210
gurutogod    White Rose
Yorkton 6686 gurutogod White Rose 5,507,570 1,604