11331 rank

420,603 points

1,320 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BigPoppy72486    US Armed Forces
Vingrid 1237 BigPoppy72486 US Armed Forces 172,099,709 59,858
BigPoppy72486    Tired of Guilds
Mount Killmore 10955 BigPoppy72486 Tired of Guilds 1,410,850 4,096
BigPoppy72486    Master Masons
Tuulech 9901 BigPoppy72486 Master Masons 928,432 2,941
BigPoppy72486    Honor & Integrity
Angkor 11331 BigPoppy72486 Honor & Integrity 420,603 1,320
BigPoppy72486    Arch Heros
Noarsil 14847 BigPoppy72486 Arch Heros 134,230 419