15697 rank

61,837 points

213 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sir Wilem of Death   
Sinerania 177 Sir Wilem of Death 1,200,168,549 287,366
Sir Wilem of Death    Gorgoroth
Qunrir 6240 Sir Wilem of Death Gorgoroth 8,336,620 8,202
Sir Wilem of Death    Diamond Miners 💎
Langendorn 13044 Sir Wilem of Death Diamond Miners 💎 262,172 309
Sir Wilem of Death    Diamond Hunter
Cirgard 17329 Sir Wilem of Death Diamond Hunter 101,767 234
Sir Wilem of Death   
East-Nagach 17699 Sir Wilem of Death 69,444 184
Sir Wilem of Death   
Angkor 15697 Sir Wilem of Death 61,837 213
Sir Wilem of Death   
Rugnir 17427 Sir Wilem of Death 36,320 113
Sir Wilem of Death    Diamond Hunter
Houndsmoor 20040 Sir Wilem of Death Diamond Hunter 34,588 100