6661 rank

4,477,528 points

2,318 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mandana 553 the Avenger    Disciples of The Kin
Brisgard 5009 Mandana 553 the Avenger Disciples of The Kin 26,642,835 3,249
Mandana 553 the Avenger    Discipleship Time
Mount Killmore 4773 Mandana 553 the Avenger Discipleship Time 26,152,797 4,753
Mandana 553 the Avenger    Kings of Kottonmouth
Houndsmoor 5780 Mandana 553 the Avenger Kings of Kottonmouth 15,607,923 3,429
Mandana 553 the Avenger    gr8 boaz
Langendorn 7145 Mandana 553 the Avenger gr8 boaz 5,625,060 2,730
Mandana 553 the Avenger    coven of witches
Angkor 6661 Mandana 553 the Avenger coven of witches 4,477,528 2,318
Mandana 553 the Avenger    🥃Bourbon Hunters🏹
Yorkton 7694 Mandana 553 the Avenger 🥃Bourbon Hunters🏹 3,467,986 1,398
Mandana 553 the Avenger    blue goose
Rugnir 8379 Mandana 553 the Avenger blue goose 2,349,532 1,282
Mandana 553 the Avenger   
Arvahall 11927 Mandana 553 the Avenger 2,039,236 1,350
Mandana 553 the Avenger    Do Not Care
Zorskog 8267 Mandana 553 the Avenger Do Not Care 1,854,611 1,590
Mandana 553 the Avenger   
Dunarsund 13804 Mandana 553 the Avenger 430,695 533
Mandana 553 the Avenger    &Beyond
Carthage 7004 Mandana 553 the Avenger &Beyond 424,680 1,231
Mandana 553 the Avenger    ^Veterans United^
Jaims 12486 Mandana 553 the Avenger ^Veterans United^ 402,938 507
Mandana 553 the Avenger    Straw Hat Pirates
Sinerania 11876 Mandana 553 the Avenger Straw Hat Pirates 366,798 692
Mandana 553 the Avenger   
East-Nagach 15036 Mandana 553 the Avenger 197,922 366
Mandana 553 the Avenger    Eye on the Prize
Birka 12080 Mandana 553 the Avenger Eye on the Prize 72,490 221
Mandana 553 the Avenger   
Walstrand 17448 Mandana 553 the Avenger 24,245 65