1761 rank

46,926,337 points

21,490 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
DB the Unclean    Dread
Uceria 554 DB the Unclean Dread 590,068,607 160,045
DB the Unclean   
Yorkton 2829 DB the Unclean 51,666,232 14,186
DB the Unclean    Polymer Diligence
Birka 1761 DB the Unclean Polymer Diligence 46,926,337 21,490
DB the Unclean   
Carthage 1767 DB the Unclean 20,182,930 16,044
DB the Unclean   
Langendorn 9906 DB the Unclean 1,123,723 2,648
DB the Unclean    RedneckWarriors
Parkog 13201 DB the Unclean RedneckWarriors 193,858 369