2998 rank

15,056,600 points

6,349 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The NewB    Rampage
Korch 190 The NewB Rampage 1,234,959,496 294,613
The NewB    Magic Colony
Houndsmoor 2381 The NewB Magic Colony 91,845,344 18,593
The NewB    Doomsday™
Arvahall 4745 The NewB Doomsday™ 36,381,592 7,543
The NewB    Joyness of Freedom
Jaims 4851 The NewB Joyness of Freedom 18,575,100 8,088
The NewB    Vikings of Birka
Birka 2998 The NewB Vikings of Birka 15,056,600 6,349
The NewB    Death Reapers
Qunrir 5679 The NewB Death Reapers 11,209,157 4,552
The NewB    Need more cowbell
Brisgard 7683 The NewB Need more cowbell 7,965,711 4,478