9786 rank

232,927 points

266 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
LITTLE-JOHN    Dragon Slayers
Mount Killmore 15432 LITTLE-JOHN Dragon Slayers 260,212 315
LITTLE-JOHN    join play n have fun
Zorskog 12557 LITTLE-JOHN join play n have fun 242,935 378
LITTLE-JOHN    πŸ‘‘The Citadel πŸ‘‘
Birka 9786 LITTLE-JOHN πŸ‘‘The Citadel πŸ‘‘ 232,927 266
LITTLE-JOHN    Trade Masters Guild
Houndsmoor 15184 LITTLE-JOHN Trade Masters Guild 225,669 429
LITTLE-JOHN    Bakken be Rockin
Dunarsund 16868 LITTLE-JOHN Bakken be Rockin 121,354 149