11567 rank

95,402 points

240 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Iris 1231 the Chivalrous   
Angkor 616 Iris 1231 the Chivalrous 361,530,660 54,235
Iris 1231 the Chivalrous    Citizens of Atlantis
Tuulech 8635 Iris 1231 the Chivalrous Citizens of Atlantis 1,769,533 2,108
Iris 1231 the Chivalrous    Relic Hunters
Xyr 16432 Iris 1231 the Chivalrous Relic Hunters 118,106 227
Iris 1231 the Chivalrous   
Birka 11567 Iris 1231 the Chivalrous 95,402 240