300 rank

483,373,925 points

315,054 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tresuiri the Nimble    Guardians
Birka 300 Tresuiri the Nimble Guardians 483,373,925 315,054
Tresuiri the Nimble    Obsidian
Houndsmoor 767 Tresuiri the Nimble Obsidian 461,747,214 618,979
Tresuiri the Nimble    US Armed Forces
Vingrid 1946 Tresuiri the Nimble US Armed Forces 120,930,786 290,057
Tresuiri the Nimble    🌭 Free Traders 👙
Jaims 4979 Tresuiri the Nimble 🌭 Free Traders 👙 18,645,577 22,886
Tresuiri the Nimble    Raging Wolves
Brisgard 6319 Tresuiri the Nimble Raging Wolves 15,166,500 18,488
Tresuiri the Nimble    Chaotic Intentions
Walstrand 7098 Tresuiri the Nimble Chaotic Intentions 4,168,036 6,116
Tresuiri the Nimble    Bonzo's
Yorkton 17018 Tresuiri the Nimble Bonzo's 51,577 32