2596 rank

23,312,188 points

25,120 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
HallowedS    Barbie's World
Odhrorvar 1226 HallowedS Barbie's World 249,070,700 144,260
HallowedS    The Tempest
Fel Dranghyr 2275 HallowedS The Tempest 113,701,506 66,186
HallowedS    Staycation
Dunarsund 2566 HallowedS Staycation 102,087,715 63,706
HallowedS    Side of the Road
Noarsil 3727 HallowedS Side of the Road 38,413,516 24,977
Birka 2596 HallowedS 23,312,188 25,120