6902 rank

937,265 points

1,976 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Izzy 911 The Proud    The Phoenix
Odhrorvar 1065 Izzy 911 The Proud The Phoenix 208,525,573 37,897
Izzy 911 The Proud    Izzy Land 2
Arvahall 7466 Izzy 911 The Proud Izzy Land 2 10,605,660 7,117
Izzy 911 The Proud    Drunken Sailors
East-Nagach 7220 Izzy 911 The Proud Drunken Sailors 6,890,746 6,555
Izzy 911 The Proud    Izzy Land
Walstrand 6775 Izzy 911 The Proud Izzy Land 4,456,550 5,773
Izzy 911 The Proud    Drunken Sailors
Houndsmoor 8785 Izzy 911 The Proud Drunken Sailors 3,363,227 3,913
Izzy 911 The Proud    Izzy Land
Korch 8383 Izzy 911 The Proud Izzy Land 2,729,377 2,979
Izzy 911 The Proud    Drunken Sailors
Mount Killmore 9806 Izzy 911 The Proud Drunken Sailors 2,247,155 2,712
Izzy 911 The Proud    Izzy Land
Qunrir 9323 Izzy 911 The Proud Izzy Land 1,441,374 2,140
Izzy 911 The Proud   
Parkog 9552 Izzy 911 The Proud 1,140,306 2,123
Izzy 911 The Proud    Drunken Sailors
Dunarsund 11695 Izzy 911 The Proud Drunken Sailors 1,012,147 879
Izzy 911 The Proud   
Birka 6902 Izzy 911 The Proud 937,265 1,976
Izzy 911 The Proud    Izzy Land
Angkor 10769 Izzy 911 The Proud Izzy Land 520,873 1,278
Izzy 911 The Proud   
Xyr 16635 Izzy 911 The Proud 144,114 471
Izzy 911 The Proud   
Yorkton 15440 Izzy 911 The Proud 120,125 435
Izzy 911 The Proud   
Carthage 8758 Izzy 911 The Proud 107,367 291
Izzy 911 The Proud    Izzy Land
Rugnir 15619 Izzy 911 The Proud Izzy Land 95,546 128
Izzy 911 The Proud   
Jaims 17684 Izzy 911 The Proud 57,886 227
Izzy 911 The Proud   
Zorskog 17464 Izzy 911 The Proud 39,017 232
Izzy 911 The Proud   
Langendorn 18305 Izzy 911 The Proud 35,223 194