9541 rank

262,741 points

106 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Keltus the Warrior   
Korch 1723 Keltus the Warrior 131,876,411 29,426
Keltus the Warrior   
Rugnir 6593 Keltus the Warrior 6,217,637 5,801
Keltus the Warrior    Romulan Star Empire
Mount Killmore 10313 Keltus the Warrior Romulan Star Empire 1,896,939 1,975
Keltus the Warrior    matt s25
Yorkton 10071 Keltus the Warrior matt s25 928,272 811
Keltus the Warrior   
Angkor 11968 Keltus the Warrior 321,468 156
Keltus the Warrior   
Birka 9541 Keltus the Warrior 262,741 106