5228 rank

3,122,742 points

1,668 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ericw1966    Trade First
Yorkton 5142 Ericw1966 Trade First 11,866,657 2,501
Ericw1966    United defenders
Brisgard 7254 Ericw1966 United defenders 9,469,506 2,252
Ericw1966    uceria
Uceria 6685 Ericw1966 uceria 6,775,228 2,117
Ericw1966    Passing Time
Tuulech 6502 Ericw1966 Passing Time 6,187,267 2,939
Ericw1966    No Mandatory
Fel Dranghyr 7687 Ericw1966 No Mandatory 5,003,662 2,031
Ericw1966    ssssśsssşşşşşşśßßßs
Carthage 3483 Ericw1966 ssssśsssşşşşşşśßßßs 4,012,183 1,891
Ericw1966    kings and queens
Arvahall 10385 Ericw1966 kings and queens 3,675,970 1,731
Ericw1966    The Forest
Houndsmoor 8821 Ericw1966 The Forest 3,516,484 1,895
Ericw1966    The white Lotus
Birka 5228 Ericw1966 The white Lotus 3,122,742 1,668
Ericw1966    Time Passages
Angkor 9326 Ericw1966 Time Passages 999,429 1,038
Ericw1966    Gem Cleat
Qunrir 16017 Ericw1966 Gem Cleat 61,994 101