6585 rank

1,312,658 points

1,011 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Iokasta 1613 the Dire    Happynewy
Qunrir 4796 Iokasta 1613 the Dire Happynewy 19,124,585 4,153
Iokasta 1613 the Dire    land of plenty
Greifental 5279 Iokasta 1613 the Dire land of plenty 17,481,533 3,998
Iokasta 1613 the Dire    Queens of stoneage
Brisgard 9149 Iokasta 1613 the Dire Queens of stoneage 4,594,036 1,635
Iokasta 1613 the Dire    random guild prevail
Arvahall 10898 Iokasta 1613 the Dire random guild prevail 3,126,503 1,301
Iokasta 1613 the Dire   
Houndsmoor 9800 Iokasta 1613 the Dire 2,229,598 1,237
Iokasta 1613 the Dire    Diamond Farmers
Birka 6585 Iokasta 1613 the Dire Diamond Farmers 1,312,658 1,011