5551 rank

2,791,083 points

1,786 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Schizoid    rockinrollin
Arvahall 10775 Schizoid rockinrollin 3,352,528 2,062
Schizoid    The Fighters
Houndsmoor 9121 Schizoid The Fighters 3,251,051 1,937
Schizoid    The Birds
Vingrid 8081 Schizoid The Birds 2,977,195 1,708
Schizoid    Planet X
Yorkton 8009 Schizoid Planet X 2,873,462 1,805
Schizoid    outkastss
Korch 8504 Schizoid outkastss 2,865,188 1,676
Schizoid    TRADER
Xyr 8817 Schizoid TRADER 2,827,187 1,673
Schizoid    Playforfun
Birka 5551 Schizoid Playforfun 2,791,083 1,786
Schizoid    Razors Crest
Mount Killmore 9726 Schizoid Razors Crest 2,577,829 1,640
Schizoid    Lords of shadow
Greifental 9033 Schizoid Lords of shadow 2,351,609 1,753
Schizoid    Lone Wolves
Cirgard 10092 Schizoid Lone Wolves 1,865,046 1,420
Schizoid    Hiatus
Dilmun 3567 Schizoid Hiatus 1,545,648 1,162
Schizoid    relaxing 793
Angkor 8937 Schizoid relaxing 793 1,270,279 1,087
Schizoid    WTF Guild
Parkog 9585 Schizoid WTF Guild 1,090,622 918
Schizoid    Jedi
East-Nagach 12697 Schizoid Jedi 559,172 452
Schizoid    Pug Runner
Odhrorvar 13102 Schizoid Pug Runner 202,909 282
Schizoid    No Stress
Uceria 13527 Schizoid No Stress 191,433 251
Schizoid    Quiet and Peaceful
Qunrir 17911 Schizoid Quiet and Peaceful 23,567 55