7155 rank

914,078 points

3,727 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Euphemia 2284 the Lucky    Phoenix Dawn
Rugnir 3767 Euphemia 2284 the Lucky Phoenix Dawn 32,247,793 17,770
Euphemia 2284 the Lucky    Guild2025
Dilmun 2949 Euphemia 2284 the Lucky Guild2025 2,544,660 3,440
Euphemia 2284 the Lucky   
Birka 7155 Euphemia 2284 the Lucky 914,078 3,727
Euphemia 2284 the Lucky    ☮️☮️☮️
Arvahall 18966 Euphemia 2284 the Lucky ☮️☮️☮️ 193,802 1,011
Euphemia 2284 the Lucky   
Tuulech 15405 Euphemia 2284 the Lucky 64,217 313
Euphemia 2284 the Lucky   
Vingrid 16293 Euphemia 2284 the Lucky 62,344 455