1805 rank

39,765,847 points

27,185 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dot the Miraculous   
Birka 1805 Dot the Miraculous 39,765,847 27,185
Dot the Miraculous    Dot's Den
Arvahall 6512 Dot the Miraculous Dot's Den 16,909,439 15,462
Dot the Miraculous    Rósza
Jaims 6800 Dot the Miraculous Rósza 7,062,102 6,067
Dot the Miraculous    Solitude
Brisgard 10992 Dot the Miraculous Solitude 1,793,357 4,700
Dot the Miraculous    Nowhere
Carthage 5921 Dot the Miraculous Nowhere 643,551 1,953