243 rank

490,634,937 points

211,313 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
t2nohl    ✊The Résistance ✊
Birka 243 t2nohl ✊The Résistance ✊ 490,634,937 211,313
t2nohl    World Trade Guild
Zorskog 2120 t2nohl World Trade Guild 65,177,937 41,019
t2nohl    Followers of Christ
East-Nagach 3683 t2nohl Followers of Christ 44,055,584 37,990
t2nohl    Helping Hands
Xyr 3908 t2nohl Helping Hands 28,065,763 34,066
t2nohl    King’s Guard
Vingrid 4084 t2nohl King’s Guard 25,661,321 28,307
Fel Dranghyr 5120 t2nohl 17,651,849 24,516
Rugnir 4938 t2nohl 15,254,652 20,296
Brisgard 13915 t2nohl 602,714 932