2572 rank

23,714,694 points

11,305 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Magnificent Metz    FoE-Rengi Alliance
Arvahall 104 Magnificent Metz FoE-Rengi Alliance 2,239,770,932 369,724
Magnificent Metz    The Knights of Birka
Birka 2572 Magnificent Metz The Knights of Birka 23,714,694 11,305
Magnificent Metz    Enigma
Mount Killmore 5160 Magnificent Metz Enigma 22,124,899 9,847
Magnificent Metz    XXY
Xyr 4690 Magnificent Metz XXY 20,695,716 9,453
Magnificent Metz    Come our guide
East-Nagach 15850 Magnificent Metz Come our guide 139,348 58