8893 rank

367,936 points

564 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
larsthesmall    Lady Liberty
Dunarsund 14159 larsthesmall Lady Liberty 392,674 409
larsthesmall    Smallest or lesser
Noarsil 11991 larsthesmall Smallest or lesser 384,646 469
larsthesmall    Lords of the South
Birka 8893 larsthesmall Lords of the South 367,936 564
larsthesmall    LetsDoThis
East-Nagach 13730 larsthesmall LetsDoThis 362,947 514
larsthesmall    Fill It Up With Food
Uceria 12567 larsthesmall Fill It Up With Food 308,221 352
larsthesmall    G-N9
Greifental 13349 larsthesmall G-N9 302,830 312
larsthesmall    Vikings67
Mount Killmore 17539 larsthesmall Vikings67 124,055 151