649 rank

134,866,058 points

111,273 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ptolemy 1064 the Avenger    CoreFare W
Birka 649 Ptolemy 1064 the Avenger CoreFare W 134,866,058 111,273
Ptolemy 1064 the Avenger   
Arvahall 6639 Ptolemy 1064 the Avenger 14,223,093 9,616
Ptolemy 1064 the Avenger   
Jaims 5681 Ptolemy 1064 the Avenger 11,125,140 6,817
Ptolemy 1064 the Avenger   
Carthage 2650 Ptolemy 1064 the Avenger 5,624,858 6,844