14801 rank

21,718 points

45 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Damion 1049 the Bloody   
Walstrand 16772 Damion 1049 the Bloody 34,078 130
Damion 1049 the Bloody   
Xyr 20138 Damion 1049 the Bloody 29,407 86
Damion 1049 the Bloody    Jedi Order
Fel Dranghyr 19602 Damion 1049 the Bloody Jedi Order 24,359 133
Damion 1049 the Bloody    Nord Viking
Birka 14801 Damion 1049 the Bloody Nord Viking 21,718 45
Damion 1049 the Bloody   
Sinerania 18132 Damion 1049 the Bloody 20,977 116