5864 rank

2,061,033 points

3,095 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Casticus 1434 the Strong    Habenero
Rugnir 2117 Casticus 1434 the Strong Habenero 98,227,656 53,942
Casticus 1434 the Strong    Bocephus
Walstrand 2861 Casticus 1434 the Strong Bocephus 50,790,196 24,555
Casticus 1434 the Strong    Stove
Odhrorvar 3552 Casticus 1434 the Strong Stove 38,371,160 27,185
Casticus 1434 the Strong    Sorry
Mount Killmore 4663 Casticus 1434 the Strong Sorry 26,539,536 36,038
Casticus 1434 the Strong    Joeys
Birka 5864 Casticus 1434 the Strong Joeys 2,061,033 3,095
Casticus 1434 the Strong    Clifton
Tuulech 8899 Casticus 1434 the Strong Clifton 1,502,926 2,977