2011 rank

36,603,166 points

47,083 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
oldirtychiba    Shadowhaven
Odhrorvar 3298 oldirtychiba Shadowhaven 47,471,476 54,776
oldirtychiba    MY HAPPY PLACE
Rugnir 3595 oldirtychiba MY HAPPY PLACE 38,360,971 33,977
oldirtychiba    The Celtic Warriors
Birka 2011 oldirtychiba The Celtic Warriors 36,603,166 47,083
oldirtychiba    The Expendables
Fel Dranghyr 4116 oldirtychiba The Expendables 33,201,455 29,444
oldirtychiba    Swords of Light
Zorskog 3470 oldirtychiba Swords of Light 28,438,642 26,206