10199 rank

196,866 points

185 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Niox    ashof
Tuulech 1389 Niox ashof 198,285,677 54,381
Niox    Lionheart
Arvahall 12857 Niox Lionheart 1,443,060 1,065
Niox    Wonderland
Odhrorvar 9584 Niox Wonderland 1,125,570 1,020
Niox    Yaz's Best
Brisgard 12428 Niox Yaz's Best 1,103,861 716
Niox    Nephilim
Dunarsund 12471 Niox Nephilim 747,147 535
Niox    Knights of Honor
Cirgard 12507 Niox Knights of Honor 661,944 497
Niox    Diamond Miners
East-Nagach 12477 Niox Diamond Miners 613,499 429
Niox    Nat. Park Service
Greifental 11880 Niox Nat. Park Service 579,939 426
Niox    Checks and Balances
Fel Dranghyr 12235 Niox Checks and Balances 558,000 470
Niox    the british empire
Birka 10199 Niox the british empire 196,866 185
Niox    Laid Back
Angkor 15858 Niox Laid Back 53,848 40
Niox    Triton
Zorskog 17962 Niox Triton 23,075 40