3011 rank

16,829,581 points

12,025 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Black-Phoenix    "Guild-Hunter"
Qunrir 351 Black-Phoenix "Guild-Hunter" 958,532,194 199,638
Black-Phoenix    Hunters
Birka 3011 Black-Phoenix Hunters 16,829,581 12,025
Black-Phoenix    Forge To The Future
Uceria 16247 Black-Phoenix Forge To The Future 52,241 316
Black-Phoenix    Midnight Express
Houndsmoor 18796 Black-Phoenix Midnight Express 51,071 382
Black-Phoenix    Brothers in Arms
Rugnir 16413 Black-Phoenix Brothers in Arms 50,509 268
Black-Phoenix    Eye's of The Dead
Carthage 12000 Black-Phoenix Eye's of The Dead 44,744 277
Sinerania 16643 Black-Phoenix 42,143 371