7032 rank

999,422 points

606 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
w.berry    Celestials
Arvahall 12700 w.berry Celestials 1,507,983 1,120
w.berry    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Fel Dranghyr 10118 w.berry Kingdom of Jerusalem 1,416,531 753
w.berry    $$$$$$$$$
Vingrid 9660 w.berry $$$$$$$$$ 1,226,158 678
w.berry    Golden taz
Cirgard 11080 w.berry Golden taz 1,152,870 694
w.berry    Dreadnaughts
Xyr 10890 w.berry Dreadnaughts 1,044,148 689
w.berry    Tim 3
Birka 7032 w.berry Tim 3 999,422 606