5797 rank

2,245,861 points

4,648 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gregory 1231 the Lucky    Noobs of Pern
Fel Dranghyr 1306 Gregory 1231 the Lucky Noobs of Pern 245,855,647 134,113
Gregory 1231 the Lucky    Winterfell 10159
Xyr 6478 Gregory 1231 the Lucky Winterfell 10159 8,633,340 10,440
Gregory 1231 the Lucky    Noobs of Pern
Sinerania 8189 Gregory 1231 the Lucky Noobs of Pern 2,364,925 4,773
Gregory 1231 the Lucky    Solo
Birka 5797 Gregory 1231 the Lucky Solo 2,245,861 4,648
Gregory 1231 the Lucky    Noobs of Pern
Dunarsund 11174 Gregory 1231 the Lucky Noobs of Pern 1,246,505 4,905
Gregory 1231 the Lucky    NOOBs of Pern
Arvahall 13229 Gregory 1231 the Lucky NOOBs of Pern 1,241,453 5,109